
ICCC is committed to delivering trauma-sensitive mind-body work.

All approaches (from meditation to yoga to breathwork) focus on providing our clients with complete choice, agency, and safety. Coming from this place of security and agency allows our clients to alter what we do to suit them. This invitational approach allows each client to feel confident that they know what’s best for their body and mind as we support them through the deeper exploration of both.

Our mind-body modalities also incorporate an element of shared experience. When one goes through trauma there is an absence of shared experience, and at ICCC we seek to restore your sense of that connection through safe practices and consistent, ongoing communication. Developing shared experiences allows for trust, self-understanding, and healing.

These approaches are also backed by neuroscience. Taking a brain science point of view allows us to incorporate concepts like neuroplasticity (your brain’s ability to adapt and change) and introception (bringing awareness to the internal workings of the body and mind to promote change and healing). Introception gives each client a chance to go within their body and notice the sensations and experiences they’re having in a particular moment.

Where trauma has forced us to go outside and to keenly notice our surroundings and the stimuli outside of ourselves, introception allows for recovery because it gives one a chance to truly know and bear witness to what’s going on inside of you. This can help with things like somatic discomfort and decision making by reconnecting your nervous system to be a source of your recovery. Our mind-body approaches allow clients to soften and befriend their experiences and surroundings so that they can stop running from or fighting the present moment and begin to heal with presence and awareness.

Mind-Body Services by Life Stage

We Are Mind-Body Experts

iRest Yoga Nidra

iRest® Yoga Nidra

Based on the ancient teachings of meditation, iRest® is an evidence-based transformative practice that leads to psychological, physical, and spiritual healing and well-being. Its practice is integrative as it heals the various unresolved issues and traumas that are present in your body and mind, and restorative as it enables you to recognize your innate peace of mind that is always present amidst all changing circumstances of life.

Lifeforce Yoga

LifeForce Yoga®

LifeForce Yoga® is intentionally designed to work with and manage the mood. The practices support students in self-regulation and many of the yoga techniques can be done in a chair, in bed, and do not require a yoga mat. LifeForce Yoga interweaves the power of an ancient discipline with current scientific findings to help you release what’s no longer serving you—without a story attached!

Mind-Body Groups

Couples Yoga Therapy Sessions
Embracing the Wisdom of Age
Sound Therapy
Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Mind-Body Classes & Events

Call our office today to start harnessing the healing power of your own mind-body connection.

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